GERMANY, BMBF: Green Talents – International Forum for High-Potentials in Sustainable Development, apply until 19 May 2020

The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has announced the “Green Talents – International Forum for High Potentials in Sustainable Development” 2020 to promote the international exchange of ideas regarding green solutions. The award will honour 25 young researchers from around the world each year who are engaged in excellent interdisciplinary work on environmental topics. The winners come from various scientific disciplines and are recognised for their outstanding achievements in making our societies more sustainable.

The Green Talents are selected by a high-ranking jury of German experts and are granted unique access to the elite of the country’s sustainability research field. This includes:

  • An invitation to Germany in 2020 to participate in a fully funded two-week Science Forum. While touring Germany, top locations will open their doors to the Green Talents and offer them an exclusive insight into their facilities and projects.
  • A chance to present themselves and their work in personal discussions held as part of individual appointments with experts of their choice (during the two-week Science Forum).
  • A second invitation to Germany in 2021 for a fully funded research stay of up to three months. At an inspiring location of their choice, the Green Talents will gain new experiences and advance their professional careers while establishing long-lasting partnerships.
  • Exclusive access to the “Green Talents network” of currently 257 high potentials in sustainable development from 69 countries.

The call is open to all disciplines.


  • Enrolment in a master’s or PhD programme or a degree (master’s/PhD) completed no more than three years before the end of the application process
  • No more than three years of professional work experience (this excludes professional work experiences gained within the scope of an academic degree)
  • Strong focus on sustainable development and an interdisciplinary approach
  • Proven excellent command of English
  • Significantly above-average grades
  • Not a German citizen nor a resident of Germany (individuals therefore not eligible to apply: German passport holders as well as anyone living in Germany at the time of application even if the residence is temporary)

Apply until 19 May here.