On the 7th of October the Historical Commission of Berlin (Historische Kommission zu Berlin e.V.) and its junior network HiKo_21 cordially invite you to the public presentation of this year’s HiKo_21 Young Talent Award 2019 (HiKo_21‒Nachwuchspreis2019) to Veronika Dyminska M.A. She has been distinguished for her PhD dissertation proposal “Pavlo Skoropadskyj and the Ukrainian Emigration in Berlin 1926-1945“, endowed with prize money of EUR 2,000.
The Award Ceremony will take place within the framework of the 7th Workshop “Die lieben Kleinen… Dynastischer Nachwuchs als Hoffnungsträger und Argument”.
Veronika Dyminska recently presented her research at our “Science First Hand” Lecture Series.