Ganna Panasyuk (INEM, Inserm/CNRS, France) is awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant

Ganna Panasyuk has been awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant to carry out research on the project “Metabolic integration by nutrient SENSing (MetaboSENS)”.

Ganna obtained her PhD degree in Molecular Biology in 2006 for her research in the field of major growth regulator mTOR/PI3K/S6K signalling, which she carried out in the lab of Valeriy Filonenko (Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Kyiv, Ukraine). She collaborated with researchers from the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research (London, UK), and did her postdoctoral research in the lab of Ivan Gout at UCL (UK), where she discovered the novel splice form of mTOR kinase and demonstrated its relevance for cell proliferation. In 2013 she secured an Inserm tenure position following a highly competitive international recruitment procedure to develop her research program at the Institute Necker Enfants Malades in Paris. Her research team is funded by the French national start-up award for junior group leader (ANR JCJC) since 2016. Ganna also holds a habilitation degree (HDR) from University Paris Descartes (2015) and is actively involved in scientific mentoring programs at INEM and different French universities.

Panasyuk Lab: