This Forum
is organized as a set of events to mark the centenary of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
This Forum is aimed at researchers working in Ukraine and abroad. It will include thematic scientific sessions, panels and round-table discussions to address important aspects of science and higher education reform currently undertaken in Ukraine. There also will be a session dedicated to German-Ukrainian collaboration to mark the 25th anniversary of the S&T Cooperation Agreement between Ukraine and Germany.
Main goals:
- to present excellent science, in particular highlighting successful collaborative projects
- to support establishing new and foster existing research contacts and partnerships
- to highlight research funding opportunities
- to discuss the reform of science and HE system in Ukraine
Participants of the Forum adopted the RESOLUTION (in Ukrainian)/ (in English).
Thereafter a White Paper “WAY FORWARD FOR SCIENCE IN UKRAINE: Perspective of the Ukrainian Research Diaspora” with a list of more specific recommendations has also been developed.
Organizing Committee:
- Prof. Yaroslav Yatskiv, NAS of Ukraine / Head of the Ukrainian International Committee of Science & Culture at the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) of Ukraine
- Dr. Dmytro Cheberkus, MESU
- Prof. Olga Garaschuk, University of Tübingen, Germany/ President of the German-Ukrainian Academic Society
- Dr. Oksana Seumenicht, German-Ukrainian Academic Society/ MDC, Berlin
- Acad. Stanislav Dovgyy, MASU
- Dr. habil. Oleksandra Antoniouk, Institute of Mathematics of the NASU/ KAU/ Humboldt Club Ukraine
- Dr. Oleksandr Skorokhod, Head of the Young Scientists’ Council of the NAS of Ukraine
- Prof. Vira Troyan, Non-governmental Organization “Women in Science”, Ukraine
This event is organized and supported by the following organizations:
- National Academy of Sciences (NAS) of Ukraine
- Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (MESU)
- Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (MASU)
- The Ukrainian International Committee of Science & Culture of the NAS of Ukraine
- The German-Ukrainian Academic Society/ The Ukrainian Academic International Network (The UKRAINE Network)
- Baden-Württemberg International (Agency for International Economic and Scientific Cooperation)
- Ambassade de France à Kiev
- EU-project ‘Strengthening Research and Innovation Links towards Ukraine’ (RI-LINKS2UA)
- STI International Cooperation Network for Eastern Partnership Countries
- Humboldt Club Ukraine
- Kyiv Academic University (KAU)
- The Young Scientists’ Council of the NAS of Ukraine
- NGO “ Women in Science”, Ukraine
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