On 11 July 2016 the founding meeting of The German-Ukrainian Academic Society (Die Deutsch-Ukrainische Akademische Gesellschaft e.V.) has been held in Berlin.
16 scientists from 10 German cities came together to found an NGO with the main aim of fostering academic cooperation between Germany and Ukraine (see press-release from 17 July 2016). The German-Ukrainian Academic Society is a non-profit association (gemeinnütziger eingetragener Verein), registered by the District Court Berlin/ Amtsgericht Berlin, VR 35585 B.
If you support our goals – we invite you to join our Society! Please refer to the membership page.
You can also support us with a donation:
Deutsch-Ukrainische Akademische Gesellschaft e.V.
Berliner Sparkasse
IBAN: DE07 1005 0000 0190 6178 29
Photo: Some founding members of the German-Ukrainian Academic Society e.V. at the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research in Berlin on occasion of the conference “German-Ukrainian Dialogue: Perspectives for education and science” (from left to right: Prof. Dr. Oleg Davydov (Univ. Gießen), Dr. Oksana Seumenicht (MDC, Berlin), Prof. Dr. Yuri Kondratiev (Univ. Bielefeld), Dr. Roman Dubasevych (Univ. Greifswald), Dr. Tetyana Yevsa (MHH/HZI), Dr. Denys Makarov (HZDR), Prof. Dr. Olga Garaschuk (Univ. Tübingen), Prof. Dr. Anna Hayduk (H. Heilbronn), and the co-founder of the Ukrainian Science Club Prof. Dr. Natalia Shulga (2nd from right) and Vira Makovska (Univ. Greifswald, first on the right). Photo: Courtesy of Igor Magrilov, www.berlin-visual.com