We support projects and initiatives initiated by our members or supporters, also in partnership with other organizations:
- (2024) Internationale Fachtagung “Ein Forscherleben zwischen Ost und West – Der Hallesche Altertumswissenschaftler Ernst von Stern (1859-1924)”, Halle an der Saale, 6-8 November 2024. Contact: DUAG member apl. Prof. Dr. Jochen Fornasier
- (2024) DUAG member Tetiana Havlin from the University of Siegen support via the DUA mini-grant the conference attendance of two Ukrainian researchers, who participate in the panel Journey into Precarious Security: Exploring the Experiences of High-Skilled & Forced Migrants from Ukraine and Turkey in Postmigrant Germany, as a part of the conference Global Inequalities, (Im)Mobilities, and Migration Societies: Postmigrant Perspectives, held at the 8th Conference on Migration Research in Austria, 18–20 September 2024.
- Telegram Channel:@InfoScienceBot (see news-feature on the Governmenatl Portal of Ukrainian government, in Ukrainian)
- Map “Ukrainian Places in Berlin”
- (2024 edition): Die Karte “Ukrainische Orte in Berlin. 6.03.2025:Vorstellung der zweiten erweiterten Auflage der Karte „Ukrainische Orte in Berlin“. Im Gespräch mit den Forscherinnen und Autorinnen der Karte, Oleksandra Bienert (CineMova Ukrainian Empowerment Network e.V./Allianz Ukrainischer Organisationen e.V.) und Dr. Olesia Lazarenko (Lektorat Ukrainisch des Sprachenzentrums der Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)/Deutsch-Ukrainische Akademische Gesellschaft e.V.), diskutieren Prof. Dr. Susanne Frank (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) und Prof. Dr. Alexander Wöll (Universität Potsdam, Vorsitzender der Deutschen Assoziation der Ukrainisten e.V.) über ukrainische Spuren in Berlin – historisch und aktuell. Moderation: Inga Pylypchuk (freie Journalistin)
- (2021 edition) The Map “Ukrainian Places in Berlin”/ Die Karte „Ukrainische Orte in Berlin“(June-August 2021), which includes selected personalities and institutions that reflect Ukrainian history in Berlin from the 19th century to the present day. This map is being developed by Oleksandra Bienert, CineMova. Ukrainian Film Community in Berlin e.V. and the DUAG member Dr Olesia Lazarenko (European University Viadrina), and supported by the Society through its mini-grant scheme. You can watch the video of the presentation of the map on August 30 at the Ukraine verstehen on the Youtube channel of the Center Liberal Modernism. More (in German).
Ukrainian Academic Accelerator (UAA) 2021 (January-June 2021), with the focus on Journalism, Media, and Communication was organized and conducted by the DUAG associate members Kostiantyn Yanchenko and Alona Shestopalova, both PhD students at the University of Hamburg and supported by the Society through its mini-grant scheme
- The Ukrainian Club of Young Immunologists, member of the The EFIS Young Immunologist Network (yEFIS Network) – our Society supported the establishment of the UCYI and its web-site through its mini-grant scheme (2020)
Interview-Series “Education Inside Out Germany – Ukraine” (2020-2021). This project was initiated and recorded by the Bund Ukrainischer Studenten in Deutschland e.V. (Union of Ukrainian Students in Germany) and supported by the Society through its mini-grant scheme
- The Exhibition “50 Inventions Bestowed by Ukraine to the World” (4-11 October 2018), supported by the Embassy of Ukraine in Federal Republic of Germany. See also the press-releases (in English) and (in German)