Thousands of students from Ukraine study and receive research training abroad. At the same time, the overall visibility of this talented next generation of scientists remains rather under-appreciated, both abroad and in Ukraine. Many PhD students also work on joint bi-lateral or international collaborative projects, or carry out research on topics related to Ukraine – e.g. its history, language, ecology, etc.
Since 2016, we organise our PhD Thesis Presentation Contest with the aim of promoting these young scientists and in doing so contribute to increasing the visibility of Ukrainian PhD students abroad and raising the profile of the international academic collaboration with Ukraine. In these challenging time, when Ukraine is in flames and its people resist russian invasion and aggression, we stand with people of Ukraine and wish to support them, also through the organisations of this Contest.
Call for the 2025 PhD Thesis Presentation Contest is now open. Please read the FAQs carefully.
Past events: check the PhD Contest archive page
Eligibility: We invite applications from PhD/MD students carrying out their research in any subject, from one or more following groups:
- Ukrainian PhD students carrying out their research outside of Ukraine (incl. exchange PhD students and those who had to flee Ukraine due to russian war against Ukraine);
- PhD students, regardless of nationality, who are involved in a collaborative (e.g. bi- or multi-lateral, including Ukraine) research project;
- PhD students, regardless of nationality, whose topic of research relates to Ukraine.
Please note: only those PhD students whose PhD defence/viva is planned after the PhD Contest Final date can be considered (i.e. candidates who have already defended or are expected to defend their PhD thesis prior to the PhD Contest Final on 1 October 2025 are as a rule not eligible to apply). If you have questions or any doubts about your eligibility, please contact us at info (at)
Apply by following these four steps:
- Please fill in the Application Form 2025
- And enclose your CV (preferably as a single pdf document named “Your Surname”)
- Fill in and sign the Personal Data Consent Form
- and send your application to the following e-mail: phd-contest (at)
The Final 2025 will take place on Wednesday, 1 October 2025 in Bayreuth, Germany within the framework of the Days of Ukraine in Bavaria and the Annual Meeting of the German-Ukrainian Academic Society (Die Deutsch-Ukrainische Akademische Gesellschaft e.V., DUAG) at the University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth (01-02 October, 2025). The PhD Contest judging panel consisted of researchers involved in international cooperation with partners in Ukraine, appointed by the board of the Society.
Past events: check the PhD Contest archive page
This PhD Contest is organised by the German-Ukrainian Academic Society (DUAG)/ The UKRAINE Network. It has been sponsored and supported by:
- 2024: Nomad Bioscience GmbH and the Embassy of Ukraine in Germany
- 2023: Nomad Bioscience GmbH and the Embassy of Ukraine in Germany
- 2022: Nomad Bioscience GmbH and the Embassy of Ukraine in Germany
- 2021: Nomad Bioscience GmbH and the Embassy of Ukraine in Germany
- 2019: Nomad Bioscience GmbH and the Embassy of Ukraine in Germany
- 2018: Nomad Bioscience GmbH and the Embassy of Ukraine in Germany
- 2017: Nomad Bioscience GmbH, Global Business Management (Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät, Universität Augsburg) and the Embassy of Ukraine in Germany
- 2016: Nomad Bioscience GmbH and the Embassy of Ukraine in Germany