The international scientific conference “Kazimir Malevich: Kyiv Aspect” will be held in the capital of Ukraine on October 6-9, 2016. “We will talk not only about the later…
Vladimir Betz and a new era of neuroscience started in Kyiv
Do you know Betz’s Giant pyramidal cells? Most probably yes – especially if you have studied a life science subject or neurosciences, to be precise. Do you know…
Study “#EngagEUkraine. Engagement of Ukrainians in Poland and Germany”
Study “#EngagEUkraine. Engagement of Ukrainians in Poland and Germany” has been published Within the framework of the joined project “Ukrainians in Poland and Germany – Civic and Political…
GERMANY: German Foreign Minister visits the Greifswald University and confirms support of the Chair for Ukrainian Studies
German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier visited University of Greifswald and confirmed his support of the Ukrainian Studies at the University „Es ist speziell die Lehre der Ukrainistik, die…
White paper
At the first German-Ukrainian Summer Workshop „Perspectives for young scientists in life sciences: Mastering global challenges of the modern society” 25 enthusiastic PhD students and young scientists from…
The first German-Ukrainian Summer School “Perspectives for young scientists in life sciences: Mastering global challenges of the modern society” (25-31 July 2016, Ivano-Frankivsk)
The German-Ukrainian Academic Society has been founded (11 July 2016, Berlin)
On 11 July 2016 the founding meeting of The German-Ukrainian Academic Society (Die Deutsch-Ukrainische Akademische Gesellschaft) has been held in Berlin. 16 scientists and academic professionals came together…
GERMANY, Berlin: Ministerial meeting aims at strengthening the bilateral cooperation in higher education, science and technology
At the meeting with her Ukrainian counterpart Lilija Hrynewytsch on 12 July in Berlin, Federal Research Minister Johanna Wanka pledged support to Ukraine, noting that this historical period…
A New EU-funded Project Started: “RI-LINKS2UA: Strengthening Research and Innovation LINKS TOwards UkrAine”
The overall aim of the EU-funded Project “RI-LINKS2UA: Strengthening Research and Innovation LINKS TOwards UkrAine” is to further support and enhance the integration of Ukraine into the European…
GERMANY, Berlin: The Centre for East European & International Studies (ZOIS) is launched
A new research institute – The Centre for East European and International Studies (ZOIS) – is being established in Berlin (Germany) and is scheduled to begin its work…