GFPS (Gemeinschaft für studentischen Austausch in Mittel- und Osteuropa) offers a scholarship program for Ukrainian students. The goal of the program is to support a stay for one…
GERMANY, Frankfurt/Oder: Closing evening of the Year of Ukrainian Language in Germany at the Viadrina
By Dr Olesia Lazarenko, Viadrina (Frankfurt/Oder) On July 11, 2018 The Language Centre of the European University Viadrina (Frankfurt/Oder) hosted the closing evening of the Year of Ukrainian…
Our latest Newsletter issue has been published
With this 14th issue of our Newsletter we inform you about the Finalists of our PhD Presentation Contest 2018, report about the establishment of the National Research Foundation…
2018 PhD Thesis Presentation Contest: Introducing the Finalists
25 applicants from six countries (Austria, Germany, Poland, Portugal, UK and Ukraine) have applied to participate in our already third PhD Thesis Presentation Contest. Eligible were PhD students…
2018 European Innovation Scoreboard has been published
The European Innovation Scoreboard 2018 was released on 22 June 2018. Ukraine is now ranked 43rd (up from the rank 50 in 2017, note: Ukraine was ranked 71th…
GERMANY, Frankfurt/Oder: An opportunity to learn Ukrainian presented at the Vuiadrina‘s Open Day 2018
By Dr Olesia Lazarenko, Viadrina (Frankfurt/Oder) The Language Center of the European University Viadrina is a place where students could learn English, German as a foreign language, Polish,…
National Research Fund has been established in Ukraine
Ukraine will now have a National Research Fund, which will start its operations in 2019 with the main task to provide grant support for research and development on…
KYIV, 20-22 October 2018: Forum of the Ukrainian Research Diaspora “ADVANCING SCIENCE THROUGH INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION”
This Forum is organized as a set of events to mark the centenary of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. This Forum is aimed at researchers working…
BERLIN, 6 July 2018: “Science First Hand” Lecture by Prof. Olexiy Verkhratsky
Topic: Neuroglia: supportive cells that protect the brain Speaker: Prof. Olexiy Verkhratsky, University of Manchester, UK Date: Friday, 6 July 2018 Time: 17:00 – 19:00 Venue: Embassy of…
BILAT-USA 4.0: Report on US Funding Opportunities for European Researchers and Horizon 2020 Guide for US researchers
This report has been developed to increase awareness about which US sources are appropriate and viable to EU researchers. There is also a Guide to US participation in…