- Joint Letter by Ukrainian NGOs “Push Forward Reforms in Ukraine and Maintain Faith in Europe”, 02.06.2022
- Appeal “Providing EU candidate status for Ukraine” from Ukrainian Centre for European Policy. To sign it, please, send a mail entitled “Signature” with your name, position and affiliation to:
- Initiative “Rename the street the Russian Embassy is located on“, initiated by Be–it Agency, part of One Philosophy consulting group within the We Are Ukraine platform, and supported by DForce IT company
- Call to international academic institutions to suspend cooperation with Russia by Volodymyr Sheiko, director General of the Ukrainian Institute
- Ministry of Education & Science of Ukraine (MoES): Overview of the current state of education and science in Ukraine in terms of russian aggression (as of March 16-26, 2022, for English version – scroll down)
- National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine leaves the International Association of Academies of Sciences due to the lack of reaction of the organization to Russia’s military aggression (in Ukrainian, 23.03.2022). See also the Address to the International Association of Academies of Sciences, in Russian, 17.03.2022
- Statement by the Scientific Committee of the National Council of Ukraine on Science and Technology Development, 18.03.2022 (for English – scroll down): “Russian fascism, centered around the idea of a great empire and of a “special historic and moral role” of the Russian nation, cannot and will not stop by itself, it can only be forcefully stopped. And it must be stopped now. Any attempts to win time by delaying the necessary action will only increase the final price of defeating this monster. The fate of the civilized world is decided now in the battlefields of Ukraine, and those who view themselves as part of this world should better realize it in full and take serious action.“
- Ministry of Education & Science of Ukraine: Concept Plan (v.2.0 as of March 15, 2022) on the functioning of the education system, research and innovation sector of Ukraine during martial law and further reconstruction period related to Russian aggression
- Open letter from the Ukrainian academic community to the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and Every Member-State Country (for English – please scroll down)
- Open letter to media professionals who cover Russia’s invasion of Ukraine from Ukrainian media organizations, reporters, photographers, media managers and communication professionals
- Open remote positions for Ukrainian refugee scholars, appeal initiated by Yuriy Khalavka, Doctor of chemical sciences, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University; Yuriy Danko, Doctor and Professor, Sumy National Agrarian University, and Iryna Yehorchenko, Senior Researcher Institute of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
- Appeal of Ukraine’s National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance to the global academic community
- Appeal of the Council of Young Scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine to the international academic community on the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine (in different languages, scroll down)
- Appeal Letter of the Young Scientists Council at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
- Appeal Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from Serhiy Shkarlet, Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine
- Appeal Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine with a request to protect Ukraine and to block Russian science
- Appeal Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine addressed to ranking agencies (Quacquarelli Symonds Limited, Shanghai Ranking Consultancy, Times Higher Education, Centre for Higher Education (СHE), Cybermetrics Lab – CSIC), signed by Oleksii Shkuratov, Deputy Minister of European Integration, 2.03.2022
- Appeal Letter from Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv
- Statement by Hungarian scientists on the situation in Ukraine (March 2025)
- Open letter “Should Ukraine join Nato?” (27.02.2024) Over 150 international scholars advocate for Ukraine’s NATO membership to counter Russia’s aggression and uphold international law: “The focus on Russia’s alleged “Nato expansion anxiety”, and attempts to appease it, ignore Russia’s genocidal propaganda and systematic war crimes in occupied territory of Ukraine, including massacres, mass rape and torture. Russia’s actions demonstrate a clear intent to destroy Ukraine as a nation, rather than to alleviate its own security concerns. The idea that extending security guarantees to Ukraine would further incentivize Russia’s brutal prosecution of this war is unfounded, since Russia is fully determined to destroy Ukraine and needs no additional motivation to do so.“
- EURODOC (24.02.2024): Higher education and academic research are key elements for Ukraine’s recovery
- SUCHO Equipment Fund: Every day, Ukrainian libraries, archives and museums are being destroyed by the Russian Armed Forces. In order to preserve the country’s cultural heritage, Ukrainian cultural institutions urgently require assistance to digitize as many of their holdings as possible. The international volunteer collective Saving Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online (SUCHO) is coordinating aid shipments of digitization hardware, such as scanners, cameras and computers to Ukraine. Help us buy the equipment needed to preserve Ukraine’s cultural memory. For U.S. based sponsors and donors, please use the SUCHO US Based Donation page. These donations are tax-deductible.
- EU, Press-release, 25.09.2022: Russian war crimes in Ukraine: Commission proposes to reinforce the mandate of Eurojust to collect and preserve evidence of war crimes
- EU, 09.04.2022: €9.1 billion pledged in support of internally displaced and refugees. “The “Stand Up for Ukraine” global pledging event and campaign has raised €9.1 billion for people fleeing the Russian invasion, inside Ukraine and abroad, including €1 billion from the European Commission. On top of that, the EBRD has announced an additional €1 billion in loan to cover the needs of the people displaced by the invasion.“
- EU: STATEMENT BY COMMISSIONER MARIYA GABRIEL ON THE TERMINATION OF COOPERATION WITH RUSSIAN PUBLIC ENTITIES IN RESEARCH AND IN EDUCATION, 08.04.2022: “Further to measures already announced: First, I have asked my services to terminate ongoing grant agreements and subsequent payments to Russian public bodies or related organisations. This includes as well termination of, participation of Russian public entities or bodies in Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA). Second, MSCA fellowships and European Research Council (ERC) principal investigator grants to Russian individuals will in principle remain possible, keeping a thorough screening against the EU sanctions list…. On the participation of Russian public entities in Erasmus+: I have asked to terminate the participation of Russian public entities or bodies in all ongoing and future Erasmus+ actions. This also includes termination of all payments to Russian public bodies or related organisations.”
- Declaration on the Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine, Strasbourg, 1 April 2022: Council of Europe Conference of Ministers of Culture
- Science4Ukraine: “Scholars who remained in Ukraine need remote collaboration opportunities”, 28.03.2022
- EMBO set up a “solidarity list”. Some provide space and infrastructure, others financial support; EMBO has added a Small Grants Programme to support its young investigators who host colleagues affected by the war. Research4Life provides free access for Ukrainians to research papers, including subscription content at EMBO Reports and The EMBO Journal. We will also waive all author fees for Ukraine-based researchers in 2022. EMBO endorsed the statement by the National Academies of the G7 states on Russia’s attack on Ukraine. In the longer term, we will certainly contribute to rebuilding the country’s research infrastructure and fortify connections to the European research community as best as we can.
- CERN Council takes further measures in response to the invasion of Ukraine (25.03.2022) The measures complement those adopted at the CERN Council’s Extraordinary Session held on 8.03.2022, whereby it supported initiatives in favour of the Ukrainian scientific community, condemned the military invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation with the involvement of Belarus, suspended the Observer status of the Russian Federation until further notice, and decided that CERN would not engage in new collaborations with the Russian Federation and its institutions until further notice
- Science Europe: Statement of Support for Ukraine
- Statement by the ERC Scientific Council in support of Ukraine and its research community
- Hungarian scientists support the people of Ukraine, expressing solidarity (03.03.2022)/ Hungarian version
- The European Association for International Education: Standing in solidarity with Ukraine (25.02.2022): “A bullet never leads to peace, tanks do not pave the way to mutual understanding and missiles will not solve any conflict. The EAIE stands with our colleagues in Ukraine, affected students, their families and loved ones, and strongly condemns Russia’s violent acts of war against the country. … Moving forward, it will be vital for the European higher education community to assist the Ukrainian higher education sector in its efforts to recover from these events and remain an engaged international partner“, Supporting Ukraine: the EAIE’s next steps (23.03.2022)
- The Guild calls for policymakers to adapt EU instruments and national regulations to support students and researchers from Ukraine (read full statement, 21.03.2022)
- The Guild’s universities supporting researchers, academics and students affected by the war in Ukraine (The Guild comprises 21 of Europe’s most distinguished research-intensive universities in 16 countries)
- Joint statement of support for the academic and research community of Ukraine by Brussels-based research & innovation liaison offices
- Joint Statement by the National Academies of the G7 States on Russia’s Attack on Ukraine (2.03.2022)
- Statement, February 28, 2022: Open Society University Network (OSUN) Condemns Russian Attack on Ukraine and Pledges Support for Ukrainian Students and Scholars: “This is not a “Ukraine crisis.” Rather, it is a challenge to international law, to the peace and security of Europe and the world, and to the endurance of democracy. While it is Ukraine that suffers from this violence, the invasion is not simply an attack on Ukraine but on the values that Ukrainians have so actively embraced and that we share.”
- The East European Network for Philosophy of Science stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine
- EUA Suspends Membership of 12 Russian Universities Following Statement by University Leaders
- QS’ response to the invasion of Ukraine: At this time, we will redact Russian and Belarussian entries in new QS university rankings and are ceasing promoting Russian universities or Russia as a study destination
- The Physiological Society: Solidarity with our friends and colleagues in Ukraine
- Joint Eurodoc and MCAA statement on the situation in Ukraine. MCAA launched a fundraising campaign to collect funds that will be entirely developed to help the Ukrainian people. For every dontation received, MCAA will add 10% more from MCAA own funds.
- EU solidarity with Ukraine
- The 41 Alliances of European Universities, representing about 300 European Higher Education institutions, stand together and send our strongest solidarity to the Ukrainian people after the Russian Government’s attack
- Statement by commissioner Mariya Gabriel on the termination of cooperation with Russian public entities in research and in education, 08.01.2022
- Max Planck Society: Max Planck President outlines aid package to Ukraine in the Senate (25.03.2022)
- A statement from universities of applied sciences (UASs) on the war in Ukraine
- Offener Brief: Aufruf der deutsch-ukrainischen Organisationen: Aufruf zur Handlung – Helfen Sie, den Krieg zu stoppen!, Pressemitteilung (11.03.2022)
- Leopoldina: Ad-hoc-Stellungnahme “Wie sich russisches Erdgas in der deutschen und europäischen Energieversorgung ersetzen lässt” (in German, 08.03.2022): “The current situation makes it necessary to press ahead with the restructuring of the energy system even more vigorously than before. The political, legal and economic framework for the players in the future energy system should be European. Those EU member states whose energy supply is currently particularly dependent on Russia should lead the way.”
- KMK: Ukraine-Erklärung der Kulturministerinnen,-minister und -senatoren der Länder, der Staatsministerin des Bundes für Kultur und Medien, der Staatsministerin im Auswärtigen Amt sowie der kommunalen Spitzenverbände (09.03.2022): “The Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the science ministries of the Länder, and the Alliance of Science Organizations aim to create a central contact point for students and scientists, through which information on concrete support measures from the federal government, the Länder, universities, science organizations, student unions, and foundations will be bundled and made accessible. The platform will be administered by the German Academic Exchange Service. Our goal is to enable as many people as possible to continue their scientific work or studies at German universities or research institutions in safety.” See also: KI “Kultusministerkonferenz: Lübecker Erklärung zum Krieg in der Ukraine und seinen Auswirkungen“
- Alexander von Humboldt Foundation:
- Humboldt Foundation launches package of measures in response to the war against Ukraine. “Keep channels of communication open but end institutional cooperation and material support. Support for threatened researchers takes centre stage. Foundation promotes additional sponsorship options.” (3.03.2022)
- Humboldt-Stiftung verurteilt Angriff auf die Ukraine (24.02.2022)
- Large-scale funding programme for German universities necessary, 2.03.2022: “From the DAAD’s point of view, a support programme should consist of several pillars that have already proven their worth in other conflicts:
- Scholarships for Ukrainian students, doctoral candidates and academics who will be joining us in the coming weeks and months, as well as the unbureaucratic extension of support for those who are already with us;
- Supporting the German universities in supervising and accompanying the Ukrainians during the funding period and beyond;
- Supporting German higher education institutions in the professional and linguistic further qualification of academically pre-qualified specialists with a view to the German labour market;
- Supporting German higher education institutions in the development and provision of digital offerings for their Ukrainian partner institutions for as long as they are able to maintain their operations;
- Leadership programmes for future leaders who will take on leadership roles once the situation in Ukraine stabilises at a later date.”
- DAAD appalled by Russian attack on Ukraine; Was Science Diplomacy in Kriegszeiten bedeutet, Gastbeitrag von DAAD-Präsident Joybrato Mukherjee, 1.03.2022
- Large-scale funding programme for German universities necessary, 2.03.2022: “From the DAAD’s point of view, a support programme should consist of several pillars that have already proven their worth in other conflicts:
- DFG Draws Consequences from Russian Attack on Ukraine, 2.03.2022 (in German)
- Volkswagen Foundation: Support for researchers who have fled Ukraine (4.03.2022), Huge demand for Ukraine aid – budget is being increased to 7.5 million Eur (29.03.2022)
- Land Brandenburg: Gemeinsame Erklärung “Volle Solidarität und Unterstützung der Ukraine” Universities, research institutions, student unions and ministry agree on rapid assistance for students and scientists from Ukraine / Ministry provides EUR 500,000
- “Berlin-Ukraine” aid fund – TU Berlin appeals for donations, 2.03.2022
- Statement of the four founding coordinators of Berlin Research 50 (BR50) on Russia’s attack on Ukraine
- Allianz der Wissenschaftsorganisationen: Solidarität mit Partnern in der Ukraine – Konsequenzen für die Wissenschaft
- DACHVERBAND DER UKRAINISCHEN ORGANISATIONEN IN DEUTSCHLAND E.V.: Aufruf zur Handlung an Bundesregierung und Bundestag – Die Ukraine sendet einen lauten S.O.S. Notruf
- HRK: Solidarity with Ukraine and Ukrainian universities: HRK condemns Russian attack
- Universität Duisburg-Essen: Solidarität mit der Ukraine
- MDC, Berlin: Solidarity with Ukraine
- FU Berlin:
- Solidarity address for the Muslims of Ukraine from Germany, 7.03.2022
- Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau: infopage on #solidaritywithukraine
- Austrian university association published a support letter.
- Austrian academy of sciences published a general support letter.
- University of Vienna supports Ukraine
- Ireland: Minister Harris proposes Erasmus programme to create EU Scholarship Scheme for Ukrainian students, 16.03.2022: “let us use the Erasmus programme to fund a dedicated European Scholarship Scheme, which will remove any financial and regulatory barriers for students and researchers wishing to continue with their studies.”
The Netherlands
- Dutch knowledge institutions suspend partnerships with Russia and Belarus: “The universities, university medical centers, universities of applied sciences, the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences and the Dutch Research Council have decided to suspend all formal and institutional partnerships with educational and knowledge institutions in the Russian Federation and Belarus immediately until further notice. They do this in response to the urgent appeal of the Minister of Education, Culture and Science.”
- University of Zurich: Solidarity with Ukraine