The Martin Roth-Initiative: Facilitating Shelter for Artists at Risk, two funding lines

The Martin Roth-Initiative, a joint initiative of the Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa) and the Goethe-Institut, promotes and supports at-risk artists and cultural actors in cooperation with national and international (cultural) institutions. It was founded in response to the global shrinking of  civic spaces. Its aim is to protect artists and cultural actors, whose work is restricted by state or non-state actors, by offering temporary relocation stays and enabling them to continue their work. 

The Martin Roth-Initiative currently accepts applications for:

  • Temporary relocation within the regions of origin. Scholarships in this programme regulary last 3 to 6 months. There are no set deadlines for submitting an application within this programme. Based on availability of funding, applications are reviewed on an ongoing basis.
  • Temporary relocation to Germany (The application deadline is 28/02/2025 by 11:59pm CET): Artists and cultural actors at risk have the possibility to temporarily stay and work in Germany with the support of a host cultural organisation. Scholarships last up to 15 months.