Anastassia Fedyk, UC Berkeley Haas School of Business, was named one of the Best 40-Under-40 MBA Professors 2023 by Poets&Quants

Anastassia Fedyk, 34, is an assistant professor of finance at the UC Berkeley Haas School of Business. Her research lies at the intersection of behavioral finance and innovation, employing big data techniques to better understand such important and timely topics as how artificial intelligence affects modern firms.

Her research has been published in top journals such as the Journal of Finance and Journal of Financial Economics and garnered numerous awards, including a Rising Scholar Award from the Review of Asset Pricing Studies and five best-paper awards. She has received multiple research grants, including the prestigious National Science Foundation grant, and is frequently invited for media interviews at outlets such as BBC, Deutsche Welle, SF Chronicle, Forbes, and Barron’s.

Together with her husband James Hodson, Professor Fedyk launched LifeForce, a platform that takes an economics-based approach to humanitarian aid. Rather than just deliver goods that might not even be needed, LifeForce relies on staff on the ground to continuously check on inventories of important goods, with real-time updates.

Another initiative Fedyk and Hodson launched is Svidok, a site that acts as a living memorial and a repository for testimony of the lived experience of the war. An anonymous platform, it allows Ukrainians to tell their stories as well as document war crimes and atrocities.