XTX Markets, has created a new Ukrainian Global Excellence Fund of £7.5mn over two years. The goal is to promote excellence across Ukrainian academia, recognising the contribution it can make to the country’s own post-war reconstruction and to research globally.
The new fund aims to promote excellence across Ukrainian academia, particularly focusing on the many institutions that have the potential to develop as national, regional and global leaders in research. It is expected that at least half of the available funding will go towards projects that focus on maths and science.
XTX Markets Limited is a British algorithmic trading company based in London, founded in January 2015. Since April 2022, XTX Markets has committed more than £16mn to 32 organisations through our first Academic Sanctuaries Fund. This has supported students and researchers by funding more than 250 mobility and dual degree places, as well as support for diaspora academics and capacity building for Ukrainian universities.