#ScienceFor Ukraine launched this survey and asks for representatives of Ukrainian universities and research organizations to contribute in order to provide a well-informed basis for the scientific community and funding and/or governmental agencies around the world interested to support Ukraine and its science and HE system during and after the war waged by the Russian Federation against Ukraine. “…this war continues on its destructive path. The intense fighting is causing immense human suffering. Civilians – particularly women and children – are paying the heaviest price.” – UN Deputy Emergency Relief Coordinator Joyce Msuya in remarks to the Security Council meeting on Ukraine, 12 May 2022
#ScienceForUkraine is a community group of volunteer students and research scientists from academic institutions in Europe and around the world. Its mission is to collect and disseminate information about support opportunities at the university, national, and international level for graduate students and researchers directly affiliated to an academic institution in Ukraine. This initiative is supported by the NEP4DISSENT COST Action, Institute of Literature, Folklore and Art of the University of Latvia and the Polish Young Academy – Polish Academy of Sciences. Other institutions, networks and initiatives they partner with are listed here.