Cherkasy State Technological University (ChSTU)

Project Title: Internationalisation Activities of the Department for Projects and Programmes (DPP)

Submitted by: Prof. Olena Berezina, Vice-Head of Finance Department, International Projects and Programmes Coordinator, Cherkasy State Technological University (ChSTU)

City: Cherkasy

This project was implemented within the Training Course “Management of Internationalisation and German-Ukrainian Academic Cooperation 2020-2021”, led by the Leibniz University Hannover (LUH), funded by the DAAD (Germany), 2020-2021

Project Goal: Enhance and structure the international project activity at the university


  1. Launch the DPP
  2. Build and develop DPP internationalisation activities
  3. Ensure internationalisation activities smooth management
  4. Equip DPP with knowledgeable staff through knowledge sharing and dissemination


*Note: English version of CHSTU website is in the drafting process now, so all materials in weblinks translated automatically by chosen English language on the top of ChSTU site

  1. Internationalization background & current activity analysis – SWOT. Information on international cooperation of university departments has been collected, organized and systematized. The SWOT-analysis was made based on study Internationalization background& current activity of Departments. The main Challenges and Opportunities of internationalization activity identified.
  2. International Activity Planning based on results of SWOT analysis. Operational Set of activities. The objects & tasks elaborated, short-term and middle-term activity of DPP planed
  3. Internal International Activity Database formed and systematically updated
  4. Internal International Activity Network. Members from Faculties and Departments, Educational and Research Center for Foreign Students, Student Council, Scientific Research Institute, Post-Graduate Studies Department, EU Informational Center, University Sustainable Development Center, Active staff members and students, participant of project groups)
  5. Regulation of Student Academic Mobility (approved by Academic Council)
  6. International Activity section in ChSTU official webpage and ChSTU social media page. For providing the Transparency of International Activities the international activity page at the University website was redefined. Now we have five channels for sharing the information: At the International Activity page with thematic bookmarks; at the News feed on the Home page (mostly this is the information about new programmes, calls and events); By the E-mail (there are weekly digests and letters with special news); At the University pages in Social media; Reports (for focus groups – Research Council, Scientific and Technical Council, Authority). The website of the Department of Projects and Programs has been created, which contains all relevant and up-to-date information on international cooperation (programs, data on signed contracts, announcements and news)
  7. ChSTU in International University Rankings. Multirank (January 2021), QS (in progress), Nature Index Badge (in progress)
  8. Special English Language Courses for staff and students conducted (February 2020, April 2021), and APTIS International English language proficiency exam by British Council at the ChSTU organized (March 2020, May 2021)
  9. Support in implementing new international projects & partnerships

9.1. New projects run:

9.2. ChSTU joined 2 new Alliances:

    • China-Ukraine University Alliance for student exchanges and joint research projects between Ukraine and China – June 2021,
    • Caucasus University Association– April 2021.

New agreements have been signed with foreign partners:

    • Sanmin University (China) – November 2020;
    • Technological University of Tajikistan (Tajikistan) – April 2021;
    • Dangara State University (Tajikistan) – April 2021;
    • Tajik Agrarian University named after Shirinsho Shotemur (Tajikistan) – April 2021;
    • Artvin Çoruh Universitesi (Turkey) – June 2021;
    • University of Graz named by Karl and Franz (Austria) – July 2021.

9.3. New applications have been prepared and submitted (Teaching Excellence in Higher Education 2nd cycle from British Council in Ukraine), Erazmus+ 2021-2027 (CBHE, Jean Monnet), for individual scientific and exchange projects and events)

9.4. Two Career Guidance events were delivered (remotely) to the partner University (Sanmin University (China)) (June 2021)

9.5. The students of the University are offered double degree programs within the framework of existing contracts. In addition, negotiations with McCormack Consultancy Group (UK) were set up to increase the number of such programs and expand their geography.

9.6. Within the framework of the “Days of Student Science”, a seminar was delivered to the teachers and students of ChSTU on the opportunities of international cooperation in order to raise awareness of potential participants and activate internationalization processes.

9.7. Despite COVID-19, the international activity of Departments increased (number of applications for the international exchange study & programmes, international events, host lectures, conferences, fairs with international companies, etc.):


Challenges and Support

What were the main challenges of your project and how did you manage to overcome them?

Major Challenges: Suspension of programs, projects and activities due to COVID-19 restrictions


  • Limited internal capabilities (PTE).
  • Lack of time for projects’ seeking and forming relevant information in native language for stakeholders.


  • On-line trainings and meeting with academics and students are less effective
  • Poor feedback from some faculties
  • Lack of motivation instruments

What resources helped you?

  • Human Resources – our Agents of Changes – DPP team and staff & students who are really interested in enhancing IA in ChSTU.
  • MOI Ukraine data, workshops, discussing and knowledge sharing

Lessons Learnt: What are your lessons learnt and recommendations you would like to share?

  • Structure, clear vision and partnership – in priorities
  • Focus on tasks that contribute your resources
  • Don’t plan a lot, but plan what you can exercise qualitatively, your plans and results have to be strictly measurable and correspond your resources).
  • No pain, no gain
  • Continue learning process
  • Visibility means a lot
  • Multitasking for staff on the first stage, diversification on the next steps

Impact: Please describe how your project contributed to/ advanced the specific aspect of the internationalization at your university.

This Project helps to achieve goals and tasks of ChSTU Development Strategy 2019-2024 (is. 1.12, 2.1-2.4, 2.6-2.7, 3.1-3.5, 6.1), esp. International Partnership part of Strategy.

Outlook and Sustainability: What happens to the project after the end of the course (are there any follow-up projects? What are you going to do to ensure the sustainability of the project results?)

Due to the goal and objectives of the Project, it will be follow up to enhancing and activating  the internationalization  activity of ChSTU.

Next steps for sustainability:

  1. Partnership paradigm: involve stakeholders (staff, students, regional business, regional and local authorities, non-government organizations, national & international HEI, et al)
  2. Communicate and discuss: real offers for real needs, feedback about results of activity
  3. Focus on best practices from native and foreign universities
  4. Enhance the visibility
  5. System work, continue learning, knowledge sharing and dissemination, empower project commands