February 2025
- 03.02, 18-20:00, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin
Lecture “(Not)leaving the “Moscow Church”: Ukrainian Orthodox Communities During the russian Invasion” by Andriy Fert within the lecture series “War in Ukraine: Destruction of Heritage – Mastering Legacy” of the Competence Network Interdisciplinary Ukrainian Studies Frankfurt (Oder) – Berlin (KIU), which is organized alternately by the members of the network led by the European University Viadrina.
- 7-8.02, Harvard University and online on Zoom
5th Annual Temerty Contemporary Ukraine Program (TCUP) Conference. The 2025 TCUP Conference will address how Ukrainians are being denied their right to build (and rebuild) a safe environment due to russia’s continued aggression. Panels will discuss the geopolitical landscape in which the war is being waged; ecocide and environmental crimes; the (re)built environment, and the landscape of digital technologies contributing to reconstruction. Please check back soon for full panel titles and speaker information. Keynote Lecture: Jojo Mehta, Stop Ecocide International.
- 10.02, 18-20:00, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin
Lecture “The Effects of War on scholars and scholarship (A conversation based on “russia’s War in Ukraine: Personal Experiences of Scholars“, ibidem 2024, ed. by T. Martsenyuk and T. Kostiuchenko)” within the lecture series “War in Ukraine: Destruction of Heritage – Mastering Legacy” of the Competence Network Interdisciplinary Ukrainian Studies Frankfurt (Oder) – Berlin (KIU), which is organized alternately by the members of the network led by the European University Viadrina.
- 10.02, online
FOUN Online discussion: How to Rebuild Ukraine. With Anders Aslund, former Senior Fellow at the Atlantic Council, chairman of the International Advisory Council at the Center for Social and Economic Research (CASE), and Chair of the Friends of Ukraine Network’s Reimagining, Reconstruction, and Recovery of Ukraine Task Force and Simon Johnson, Ronald A. Kurtz Professor of Entrepreneurship at the MIT Sloan School of Management, and together with Daron Acemoglu (also a member of FOUN), and James A. Robinson recipient of the 2024 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for their comparative studies in prosperity between nations. Opening remarks — Robert A. McConnell, Co-Founder of the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation, Director of External Affairs, Friends of Ukraine Network (FOUN).
- 11.02, Berlin
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung: Buch Präsentation und Diskussion: Religious Elements In The Russian War Of Aggression Against Ukraine. Propaganda, Religious Politics and Pastoral Care, 2012-2024, von Richard Ottinger. Buch
- 19-21.02, Frankfurt (Main)
5. Herkunftssprachenwoche 2025 in Frankfurt am Main, incl. a section on teaching Ukrainian as a heritage language
- 20.02, Vienna
Literarische Landschaften der Ukraine. Präsentation der neuen Ausgabe von die horen. Die kürzlich erschienene Ausgabe Nr. 295 der vierteljährlichen Zeitschrift die horen stellt aktuelle Literatur aus der Ukraine vor. Der Band mit dem Titel weil die Wunden Vögel werden. Landschaften der Ukraine zeichnet ein Bild des Landes in den düsteren Zeiten des russischen Angriffskriegs. Versammelt sind Gedichte von zehn Lyrikerinnen und Lyrikern, diverse Prosatexte, Romanauszüge sowie Tagebuchnotizen. Die Mitherausgeberin Natalka Sniadanko stellt den Band vor und spricht mit dem Autor und Kurator Bohdan Kolomijtschuk sowie der Lyrikerin Julia Stachiwska über deren Beiträge zum Heft.
- 20-21.02, online
International conference: Ukraine: towards the West. Culture, Values and Language, organised by Faculty of Philosophy, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Please submit your conference proposals by 15 January 2025
- 20-23.02, Berlin, Berlinale
Kateryna Gornostai‘s film Timestamp will be screened at Berlinale 2025. The documentary is about everyday lives of teachers and students in Ukraine during the war. World premiere, Documentary form.
- 27.02, online
DUAG “Science First Hand” Lecture on “Reflexive and Ethical Mind: decolonial dispositions of museums of non-European heritage in Europe and Ukraine”, by Dr Hanna Rudyk
- 27.02, 20:00 – 21:30 EST, online
Talk “Why Did Russia Invade Ukraine?” by Maria Popova (McGill University) and Oxana Shevel (Tufts University), organised by the History, Social Sciences, and Law Section of the Shevchenko Scientific Society and Reed College Department of Sociology.
March 2025
- 4.03, Vienna
Monthly Lecture with Andrii Portnov: The Thin Red-Blue Line: Soviet Ukrainian Patriotism Re-Considered. In his lecture, Andrii Portnov will reflect on the immanently complex, essentially contradictory, and profoundly important correlation between the notions of “Soviet” and “Ukrainian” as well as on the Soviet notions of “nationalism” and “patriotism.”
- 06.03, Berlin, Berliner Landeszentrale für politische Bildung (Hardenbergstraße 22-24, 10623 Berlin). Eintritt frei
Vorstellung der zweiten erweiterten Auflage der Karte „Ukrainische Orte in Berlin“: Ukrainische Spuren in Berlin – Wie prägt die deutsch-ukrainische Geschichte unsere Stadt seit dem 19. Jahrhundert? Im Gespräch mit den Forscherinnen und Autorinnen der Karte, Oleksandra Bienert (CineMova Ukrainian Empowerment Network e.V./Allianz Ukrainischer Organisationen e.V.) und Dr. Olesia Lazarenko (Lektorat Ukrainisch des Sprachenzentrums der Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)/Deutsch-Ukrainische Akademische Gesellschaft e.V.), diskutieren Prof. Dr. Susanne Frank (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) und Prof. Dr. Alexander Wöll (Universität Potsdam, Vorsitzender der Deutschen Assoziation der Ukrainisten e.V.) über ukrainische Spuren in Berlin – historisch und aktuell. Dabei wird die Karte als Zeitdokument und Spiegel der langjährigen deutsch-ukrainischen historischen, politischen, diplomatischen und kulturellen Beziehungen Beziehungen betrachtet. Moderation: Inga Pylypchuk (freie Journalistin). Anmeldung. Veranstalter: CineMova Ukrainian Empowerment Network e.V. und Deutsch-Ukrainische Akademische Gesellschaft e.V., in Zusammenarbeit mit der Allianz Ukrainischer Organisationen e.V.
- 11.03, Berlin
Cafe Kyiv, eine Initiative der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Deutschland. Due to limited space and high demand, all interested participants and organisations are requested to submit their programme ideas by November 5, 2024, one contribution per organisation. Contact: cafekyiv (at) kas (dot) de.
- 24-28.03, Regensburg
Winter School 2025 ‘Ukraine’s Cultural Heritage: EU Diplomacy and Regional Perspectives’. Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the country’s cultural heritage has been under attack. In this context, the role of the European Union as a cultural and political actor is of crucial importance. The Winter School serves as a platform to deal with conceptual issues of cultural heritage and to examine different areas in which cultural heritage is linked to EU policies. Target audience: MA and PhD students; professionals from social organisations and media. Application deadline: 25 January 2025. The event is organised by the ‘HER-UKR: Challenges and Opportunities for EU Heritage Diplomacy in Ukraine’, funded by the European Union within the framework of the ERASMUS+ Jean Monnet Policy Debate; ‘Denkraum Ukraine’ funded by the DAAD with funds from the Federal Foreign Office (AA); University of Regensburg.
May 2025
- 22–24.05, Lviv
Third annual symposium “The Most Documented War: Enacting Archives”. Registration is available through this link until 25 February 2025
- 22-23.05, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder)
Annual conference of the Viadrina Center of Polish and Ukrainian Studies: Between Hope and Reality. Modernization and Transformation in Central and Eastern Europe. The VCPU Annual Conference 2025 addresses current challenges in Polish and Ukrainian studies and is dedicated to the research project “Mod-Block-DDR.” Both areas are framed by the concepts of “modernization” and “transformation.” The presentation of research findings on socialist modernization in the German Democratic Republic and the People’s Republic of Poland, including their achievements and obstacles, will serve as a stimulus for discussing the political, economic, social, and cultural transformations in Central and Eastern Europe. All researchers from disciplines such as (but not limited to) economic history, the history of science, or sociology are invited to participate. At the Viadrina Center of Polish and Ukrainian Studies, it is aimed to place special focus on Ukraine as a new sphere of modernization processes (e.g. migration, the opening to western Europe, and integration with the European Union) and socio-economic transformations initiated by the outbreak of russia‘s War of Aggression. These focal points highlight the diverse theoretical and methodological potential of the Viadrina Center of Polish and Ukrainian Studies: interdisciplinarity that integrates historical, political, economic, and cultural studies and fosters transnational cooperation between scholars. Call for papers (authors are requested to submit the proposals by February 23, 2025)
June 2025
- 23.06-8.08
Harvard Ukrainian Summer Institute HUSI 2025. HUSI 2025 will take place entirely on-campus / in-person. Please see the Enrollment page to enroll in the Harvard Ukrainian Summer Institute and the Scholarships page to apply for funding. Harvard’s Ukrainian Research Institute (HURI) awards numerous scholarships to HUSI students each year. This funding is awarded based on both merit and need. The application deadline for a HUSI Scholarship is February 13, 2025.
July 2025
- 14–18.07, Budapest, Hungary. Application deadline: February 14, 2025
CEU Summer University: The Evolution of a Patronal Democracy: The Case of Ukraine
Video-recordings of some past events/ relevant YouTube channels:
- The Making of Modern Ukraine: A Free Online Course from Professor Timothy Snyder, Yale University
- H-Ukraine: H-net’s network dedicated to promoting and advancing scholarly contributions to the field of Ukrainian studies
- German-Ukrainian Academic Society: Science First Hand Lecture Series and other videos
- Viadrina Center of Polish and Ukrainian Studies, European University Viadrina/ PRISMA UKRAЇNA
- Ukrainian Research Institute Harvard University
- Deutsch-Ukrainische Historikerkommission (DUHK)
- Ukrainian Institute London
- Events of the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation
- The Shevchenko Scientific Society (USA)
- The Shevchenko Scientific Society of Canada
- List of other relevant information events and webinars