Stellenanzeige der Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) Job-ID: V000060423 Einsatzzeitraum: 01.03.2025 – 31.08.2025 Art der Anstellung: Voll- oder Teilzeit Ort: Berlin Das Programm Strategieberatung für Wiederaufbau und…
Year: 2024
Oxford Ukraine Hub receives funding to boost collaborations across borders
According to the University of Oxford’s Social Sciences Division news-post (8 November 2024) three new Interdisciplinary Hubs led by its academics are to launch this month, with the…
Event Report: Ukrainian Days in Saarland (Saarbrücken, 26-27 September 2024)
GERMANY, BMBF: Call for funding for German-Ukrainian research cooperation for sustainable reconstruction/ Förderaufruf Deutsch-ukrainische Forschungskooperationen für den nachhaltigen Wiederaufbau, apply by 31 January 2025
The aim of this funding measure is to support the Ukrainian scientific landscape in maintaining its existing scientific potential and expanding its research capacities. This should also reduce…
Internationale Fachtagung “Ein Forscherleben zwischen Ost und West – Der Hallesche Altertumswissenschaftler Ernst von Stern (1859-1924)”, Halle an der Saale, 6-8 November 2024
Diese Internationale Fachtagung des Instituts für Kunstgeschichte, Archäologien und Klassische Altertumswissenschaften der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg wurde in Verbindung mit dem Zentrum für Archäologie und Kulturgeschichte des Schwarzmeerraumes e.V. (ZAKS…
Launch of the British Association for the Study of Ukraine (BASU)
The founding Leadership Committee of the new British Association for the Study of Ukraine (BASU) is launching its activities in advance of its first in-person event, which will…
SAFE: a new EU pilot fellowship scheme for researchers at risk, apply till 20 January 2025
As a pilot fellowship scheme funded by the European Union, the SAFE project offers 60 fully-funded fellowships (up to 24 months) for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers of any…
Czechia, Masaryk University: MUNI Award in Science and Humanities, apply by 9 December 2024
The main aim of MUNI Award in Science and Humanities (hereinafter referred to as “MASH”) is to bring excellent and successful external researchers to Masaryk University and to…
Science ministers of Ukraine and Germany sign agreement on scientific and technological cooperation in Kyiv
Ukraine and Germany celebrated 30 years of scientific and technological cooperation in 2023. Now a new intergovernmental agreement on scientific and technological cooperation between Ukraine and Germany has…
Useful read: EUA Trends 2024 Report “European higher education institutions in times of transition”
TRENDS 2024: European higher education institutions in times of transition. By Michael Gaebel and Thérèse Zhang. Co-author: Henriette Stoeber (2024), European University Association (EUA) From the Foreword by…