The Precarpathian National University and its Scientific Park participate in the EU-funded EDUC-WIDE project

The EDUC university alliance (European Digital UniverCity), supported by the 2019 Erasmus+ call, has established a trans-institutional community for both students and academic staff in recent years, offering significant benefits to its members. A special focus of the new EU-funded project “EmpoWering EDUC for Inclusive Development of the ERA” (EDUC-Wide) lies on the “Widening partners” to reduce gaps within the European Research Area (ERA).

EDUC-Wide partners include Masaryk University (Czech Republic), University of Pécs (Hungary), Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ukraine), University of South-Eastern Norway (Norway), University of Cagliari (Italy), Jaume I University (Spain), University of Potsdam (Germany), Paris Nanterre University (France), and University of Rennes (France).

The EDUC-WIDE aims to reinforce the EDUC Alliance via 4 main aims:
1. Ensure that the principles of Open Science are becoming an integral part of the research process and infrastructure of EDUC Universities.
2. Introduce responsible research assessment as standard practice in EDUC and reach out to policy makers to make institutional and national environments supportive for reformed research assessment.
3. Prepare EDUC researchers for diverse career tracks outside of academia and promote the development and implementation of the Gender Equality Plans in Widening countries.
4. Initiate and scale-up R&I collaboration of EDUC Universities and their ecosystems and contribute to tackling of major societal challenges: the Green and Digital Transition, EU Missions, and UN SDGs.