Forthcoming Events

September 2024

  • 01.09.2024, Cologne, Germany

Charity festival of Ukrainian culture  “Ukraїne Day in Cologne”.

  • 07.09, Lviv, Ukraine

INDEXing the Future: Launch of the Institute for Documentation and Exchange.

INDEX: Institute for Documentation and Exchange will be launched in Lviv as a new cultural and research institution that documents russia’s war against Ukraine and facilitates intellectual exchange between Ukraine and the wider world. This ambitious project originating from the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna (IWM). The event will include an intellectual exchange between prominent representatives of the Ukrainian and international academic and art scenes.

  • 12 & 19.09, online workshop (in English)

Empowering Your Journey: A career planning workshop for female scientists

    • Part 1: 12 September 2024, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM (CEST)
    • Part 2: 19 September 2024, 2:00 – 4:00 PM (CEST)
  • 11-13.09, Dubrovnik, Croatia

EEGA Annual Conference “Unfinished Statebuilding and Contested Democracies,” in Cooperation with the RSA Central and Eastern Europe Conference 2024. The united aim is to combine both – historically informed research and current political issues in Southeastern Europe. The conference is less devoted to strictly historical issues but offers a global and policy oriented approach. The conference zeroes in on a curated selection of themes that hold paramount importance for the region amidst the current geopolitical landscape. The Call for Proposals is now open until the 16th of April 2024 and abstract submissions until the 14th of May 2024.

  • 18.09, Cambridge, MA, USA
Book Talk “The Voices of Babyn Yar” by Marianna Kiyanovska, poet, translator, and literary scholar Joined by translators Oksana Maksymchuk and Max Rosochinsky in conversation with Oleh Kotsyuba, Director of Print and Digital Publications, Ukrainian Research Institute, Harvard University. This event is organized by Harvard’s Ukrainian Research Institute (HURI) as part of the weekly Seminar in Ukrainian Studies public event series and HURI Books program.
  • 21.09, 11:00, Bayreuth, Germany

Guided tour in Ukrainian though the exhibition “Francisco de Goya | George Grosz – DREAM AND REALITY” in the Art Museum Bayreuth. The exhibition “Goya | Grosz – Dream and Reality” presents paintings, drawings and prints by the artists Goya and Grosz from their creative phases in Europe and the USA. It was created in collaboration with international partners and lenders from France, Italy and Germany.

  • 21.09, Berlin, HU Berlin

KIU Lecture series: War in Ukraine: Destruction of heritage – mastering legacy (winter semester 2024/25). The KIU competence network is a four-year DAAD-funded project to strengthen Ukraine-related research, teaching, networking and transfer activities. The competence network, initiated and led by the European University Viadrina, includes the ZOiS, the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, the Freie Universität Berlin, the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities and the Wissenschaftskolleg Berlin.

    • The series will kick off with a reading/lecture by photographer and writer Yevgenia Belorusets.


  • 24.09, online

Germany, DFG Info-talk: Emmy Noether Programme

  • 26-27.09, Saarbrücken, Germany

Ukrainian Days in Saarland and DUAG Annual Meeting in Saarbrücken, including the Final of the UKRAINET PhD Thesis Presentation Contest. Registration to attend this conference is mandatory, and you can find the registration form here. The deadline for registration is 31.08.2024.

  • 30.09, 16:00-17:00 за Києвом та о 9:00–10:00 за Нью Йорком

Aspen Institute: Navigating the Infodemic: Science in the Post-Truth Era (Навігація в інфодемії: наука в епоху постправди). Please register here. After a short introduction in English, the event will be in Ukrainian with automatic audio translation into English subtitles/ Після короткого вступу англійською, подія буде українською мовою з автоматичним перекладом звуку на англійські субтитри. Speakers:

Одночасно з цією подією відбудеться запуск україномовної версії документального серіалу про науку та дезінформацію в усьому світі, створений Програмою «Наука та суспільство» Аспен інституту. З епізодами про зміну клімату, паранормальні явища, природні катаклізми та інші теми, серіал глибоко занурюється у витрати, пов’язані з незаконним привласненням і запереченням науки, і пропонує рішення проблем, з якими стикається наука в усьому світі. У серії беруть участь експерти з Японії, Китаю, Філіппін, Індії, Саудівської Аравії, Судану, Німеччини, Італії, Франції, Бразилії та США.

October 2024

  • 1.10, 9:30 am – 12.30 pm | ZOiS, Mohrenstr. 60, 10117 Berlin

Ukraine Research Network@ZOiS: Food for Thought on Contemporary Ukraine. Please send an e-mail to events(at) to confirm your attendance. With the first two waves of scholarship funding now complete, the Ukraine Research Network@ZOiS will present research outcomes on topics such as displacement, reconstruction, civil society, education, religion, and popular culture and discuss policy implications.

  • 7-8.10, Berlin and online

The German Association for East European Studies (DGO) and the Freie Universität Berlin will jointly host the 2nd Congress of Central and East European Studies (ceecon24) in Berlin. The congress is organized in cooperation with the Centre for East European and International Studies (ZOiS). ceecon is the largest multidisciplinary congress on Central and Eastern Europe in the German-speaking world. It was established in 2022 as a cooperative project of the DGO and the Freie Universität’s Institute for East European Studies (Osteuropa-Institut). ceecon24 will welcome all students and scholars who oppose russia’s war on Ukraine. Anyone supporting russia’s war, or justifying it in any way, will not be welcome.

  • 16.10, Atrium Reinhardtstraßenhöfe, Reinhardtstraße 14, 10117 Berlin/ Online

The Center for Liberal Modernity cordially invites you to the international conference “Ukraine and Us: What is at Stake”. The conference will discuss the following topics:

  1. the significance of this war for the future of Europe and the strategic goals of the West
  2. current military developments and military support for Ukraine and
  3. Ukraine’s EU- and NATO-integration
  4. Energy cooperation with Ukraine
  • 23.10, online

Live-Webinar on the funding portfolio of the Volksvagen Foundation (Germany) In the webinar, employees from the funding department provide information on general funding, current calls for proposals and the process from application to project support. There will be time for questions and answers following the approx. 20-minute presentation.

  • 24-25.10, Kyiv-Hannover/ Online

ІІІ International Conference “Open Science and Innovation in Ukraine 2024”OSIU2024 is a forum designed for the presentation and discussion of works related to fundamental and specific aspects of open science and innovation. This forum addresses issues ranging from the formulation and implementation of policies, infrastructure, and service provision for the practical realization of open science and innovation to the creation and support of the human factor to ensure its long-term development. This conference is jointly organized by The State Scientific and Technical Library of Ukraine, in collaboration with TIB – Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology University Library, and supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The event will take place as part of the International Open Access Week 2024.

  • 25-26.10, Budapest, Hungary & online

Workshop “Cooperation with Ukraine in the humanities”, organized by BAYHOST, the Research Centre German in Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe, the Chair of Slavic Philology – Linguistics at the Institute of Slavic Studies at the University of Regensburg and Andrássy University Budapest. The event is intended to contribute to the development and deepening of cooperation with Ukraine in the humanities, specifically with Ukrainian universities that have been particularly hard hit by the war and have had to be evacuated or are located close to the front line. It will focus on topics such as multilingualism, digital humanities and digital education, but is also open to other thematic contributions. The workshop is aimed at interested teachers and researchers in Bavaria, Ukraine, Hungary and neighbouring countries.

November 2024

  • 13.-14.11, Warsaw, Poland

4th International exhibition and conference “Rebuild Ukraine: Construction & Energy” is an online platform for recovery projects, materials, technologies, equipment and investments required to rebuild Ukraine’s war-torn economy, with an emphasis on infrastructure, industry, energy and housing. The aim of “ReBuild Ukraine” is to bring together the public sector, the private sector and international donors in order to derive specific projects from the needs of Ukrainian communities and bring them together with potential partners and sources of funding.

  • 21-23.11, Lviv, Ukraine and online

Ukrainian Open Science Forum in Lviv. This Forum will bring together international experts in Open Science and related fields to foster the implementation of the National Open Science Plan in Ukraine by sharing ideas, hosting discussions, and informing policy. The event is organised in the framework of the EU-funded “Open Practices, Transparency and Integrity for Modern Academia (OPTIMA)” project and is conducted jointly with the 11th International Youth Science Forum ’Litteris et Artibus’ (Lviv and online) and the Kick-Off Conference of the Ukrainian Reproducibility Network (Lviv and online). The Ukrainian Reproducibility Network received seed funding through the ‘TIER2 Award for Establishing a Reproducibility Network’. The TIER2 project is funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101094817.

Video-recordings of some past events/ relevant YouTube channels: