This new publication introduces the most recent results of the research by a Ukrainian-German collaborative project which brough together a German-Ukrainian team, led by the DUAG member Prof. Jochen Fornasier, Institute for Art History & European Archaeologies, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle (Saale) and Dr. habil. Alla Buiskykh, Institute of Archaeology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, who have been working in Olbia Pontica since 2014.
It discusses an updated reconstruction of the urban planning developments in the 6th/5th centuries BC, which accounts for the new archaeological state of knowledge. Thereby, the academic focus is on the sacral topography of Olbia, which impressively indicates a comprehensive planning concept in the urbanisation process of the Milesian colony in the Late Archaic period.
J. FORNASIER, A. V. BUISKYKH, O. H. KUZMISHCHEV (2022): Urban Planning with Divine Protection? On the Location of (Sub-)Urban Sanctuaries in Olbia Pontica in the Archaic-Classical Period
ISSN 0235-3490 (Print), ISSN 2616-499X (Online). Археологія, 2022, № 2