25 September 2021: “Die Rolle der Organisation Ukrainischer Nationalisten (OUN)/ der Ukrainischen Aufständischen Armee im Zweiten Weltkrieg” within the framework of the online seminar series “German-Ukrainian Historical Dialogues”

The Ukrainian Institute of National Memory together with the Verein Bamberg:UA e.V.invites all interested people to participate in the online seminars within the project “German-Ukrainian Historical Dialogues”.

  • Topic of the 2nd seminar: Ukrainische OstarbeiterInnen und Kriegsgefangene/ Ukrainian Ostarbeiter and prisoners of war
  • Date: Saturday, 25 September 2021
  • Time: 11:00 – 12:30 (Berlin);  12:00 – 13:30 (Kyiv)
  • Language: German & Ukrainian (with translation)
  • Access Link; Meeting-ID: 821 1295 9260, Kenncode: DU


The speakers:

  • Dr. Kai Struve – researcher at the Institute for History at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg. Expert on the topic of the events in Western Ukraine during the Second
    World War II, the activity of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists and their cooperation with the Third Reich.
  • Prof. Dr. Ivan Patrylyak – Doctor of Historical Sciences (Kyiv), Professor, Dean of the Faculty of History of the National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv

During this seminar the speakers will focus on the discussion topics in the field of common historical memory of Ukraine and Germany. A 30-minute discussion session will conclude the seminar.

*By registering, you agree to the processing of your data. The organizers will not to distribute the collected information in any way.

The project is aimed at all who are interested in the history of Eastern Europe and aims to increase the interest in the common topics of German-Ukrainian history. Moreover, it aims at stimulation of the discourse on these historical topics, strengthen the knowledge about Ukraine in Germany and promote the scientific and educational communication between the scholars of both countries.

The project is organized by the Ukrainian Institute of National Memory and the association “Bamberg: UA e.V.” and supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, the Umbrella Association of Ukrainian Organizations in Germany (Dachverband der Ukrainischen Organisationen in Deutschland), Freundschaft kennt keine Grenzen e.V. and the German-Ukrainian Academic Society e.V.