Since 2014 joint German-Ukrainian project is carried out in the suburb of the ancient Greek colony of Olbia (modern Mykolajvs’ka oblast’) within the framework of a DFG-founded cooperation project.
The project is led by Prof. Dr. Jochen Fornasier (Institute for Archaeological Sciences of the Goethe University Frankfurt/Main), a member of the DUAG, and Dr. Alla Buyskikh (Institute for Archaeology of the National Academy of Sciences of the Ukraine in Kyiv).

Results of the investigations so far have been presented and discussed at the recent International symposium “On the banks of the Bug: Current Results of the German-Ukrainian Research Project in Olbia Pontike in the context of international Black Sea archaeology”, Frankfurt/Main, 07 – 09 October 2019. Morover, at this meeting German and Ukrainian partners have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to further intensify their fruitful cooperation.
Archaeological field studies carried in July-September 2019 delivered new interesting insights on the history of Olbia. As a part of this project, a complete geophysical investigation of the Olbia suburb has been completed. The obtained results revealed that a total area was 25 hectares and evidenced an interesting construction in Olbia’s defense system, dated by the beginning of the 5th century BC. Investigations of Olbia and its suburbs and the necropolis will continue next year.
More information and photos could be found in the articles (in Ukrainian) published recently by Institute of the Archeology of the NAS of Ukraine and here, and the Ukrinform portal, and in our earlier article.
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