GERMANY: Environmental Research Scholarships for Graduates from Central and Eastern Europe, apply by 10 March 2019

Scholarship program provided by the DBU (Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt) supports further education in Germany for graduate students in environmental sciences and ecology.


  • advanced qualification of graduates of all disciplines for environmental relevant topics
  • knowledge transfer to science, administration and practice
  • international networking between environmental experts of all disciplines

Requirements to the candidates:

  • above-average university degree obtained within the last three years
  • all disciplines are eligible
  • citizenship and residence in one of the participating CEE-countries
  • proposal of an environmental relevant and applied topic; please check our FAQs for the outline
  • sufficient knowledge of the German language; needs to be proven at the beginning of the stay at the host institution
  • doctoral candidates can apply if the doctoral project is not completed until after the end of the scholarship

Application on-line.