Topic: “On the banks of the Bug. German-Ukrainian excavations in the ancient city Olbia Pontike” (announcement-download)
Speaker: Prof. Jochen Fornasier, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Institute for Archaeological Sciences
Date: 7 June 2018, Thursday
Time: 18:00 – 19:30
Venue: Embassy of Ukraine in Germany, Albrechtstraße 26, 10117 Berlin
Registration is mandatory: please send an e-mail by 3rd of June to berlin (at) ukrainet.eu (in accordance with the embassy’s security regulations, please provide details on your name, occupation and place of residence).
This lecture will be held in German.
More about the cooperation (in German): Deutsch-ukrainisches Forschungsprojekt: Antike Stadtentwicklung an der Grenze der griechischen Oikumene. Archäologische Untersuchungen im Vorstadtareal Olbia Pontikes
Event report on the web-site of the Embassy of Ukraine in Germany: in German and in Ukrainian
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