The UKRainian Academic International NEtwork
14 February 2023

Dear colleagues,

With this 33rd issue of our Newsletter we bring your attention to the Open Letter from scientists of Ukraine and diaspora, inform you about a new initiative to establish International Centre for Mathematics in Ukraine, new board of the German-Ukrainian Academic Society, winners of the UKRAINET PhD Contest and that videos and presentations from the Days of Ukraine in Lower Saxony (30 September - 1 October 2023) are now available; celebrate two ERC Starting Grants awarded to Anastasiia ZOLOTAROVA (IRFU, Bagneux, Île-de-France) & Danylo RADCHENKO (University of Lille, France) and an ERC Consolidator grant won by Dr Larysa BARABAN (HZDR, Germany) and, as always, provide a digest of the latest news, funding opportunities and events related to Ukrainian Studies and academic cooperation with Ukraine.

Please note: In line with the EU data privacy regulations we have introduced a 2-step subscription process and kindly request you to renew your subscription by following this link. You can also always access the past Newsletter issues by visiting our Newsletter archive.

Stay healthy and safe, and with kind regards,

Professor Olga Garaschuk, President, the German-Ukrainian Academic Society/ Chair of the Department of Neurophysiology, Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen


  • Community Corner
  • Awards and Distinctions
  • Cooperation Highlights
  • New Developments in Ukraine
  • Event Reports
  • Quick & Useful
  • A selection of funding opportunities

Acknowledgements: Special thanks to Vitali Matyash for IT support, Oksana Seumenicht and Anna Grebinyk for their significant contribution as the Assistant Editor (Web & Newsletter) and Sofiya Kotsyuda for taking care of our YouTube channel. Also check our web-page, the LinkedIn group and our YouTube Channel.

Community Corner

(German and English version below)

Шановні члени Німецько-українського академічного тоариства, колеги,

наближається 9-та річниця початку російсько-української війни та 1-ша річниця маштабного нападу росії на нашу державу. Найперше і найважливіше: Україна вистояла. Схиляємо голову перед тими, хто пожертвував всім заради цієї мети. Слава ЗСУ! Вічна пам`ять полеглим героям. Щира дяка всім Вам, хто трудився на волонтерському, науковому, освітянському, інформаційному та політичному фронтах. Україну почули, Україну, бодай частково, зрозуміли, Україні, хоч і повільно, допомагають. Проте, це ще не перемога. Перемоги мусимо досягти наступними титанічними зусиллями. Об`єднуючись, просуваючи українські наративи, активно розбудовуючи наукову співпрацю з Україною, працюючи над генеральним планом післявоєнної відбудови української науки. Зрозуміло, що ця відбудова вимагатиме тісного партнерства з європейською та світовою науковою спільнотою, зерна якого закладаємо вже зараз. На цьому нелегкому шляху до нашої перемоги зичимо Вам витривалості, віри і єдності. Слава Україні!

Правління Німецько-українського академічного товариства


Liebe Mitglieder der Deutsch-Ukrainischen Akademischen Gesellschaft, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

wir nähern uns dem 9. Jahrestag des Beginns des russisch-ukrainischen Krieges und dem 1. Jahrestag des russischen Großangriffs auf unser Land. Zuallererst: Die Ukraine bleibt bestehen. Wir verneigen uns vor alldenjenigen, die alles für dieses Ziel geopfert haben. Ruhm den Streitkräften der Ukraine! Ewiges Gedenken an die gefallenen Helden. Ein herzliches Dankeschön an alle, die sich als freiwillige Helfer bzw. in der wissenschaftlichen und hochschulpolitischen Zusammenarbeit, medienwirksamen Informationsweiterleitung und Politik engagiert haben. Die Ukraine wurde gehört, die Ukraine wurde verstanden, zumindest teilweise, und der Ukraine wird geholfen, wenn auch langsam. Dies ist jedoch noch kein Sieg. Der Sieg braucht weitere außerordentliche Anstrengungen. Der Sieg braucht unseren Zusammenhalt, die Bekanntmachung ukrainischer Narrative, Ausbau der wissenschaftlichen Zusammenarbeit mit der Ukraine und Erstellung eines Masterplans für den Wiederaufbau der ukrainischen Wissenschaft nach dem Krieg. Es liegt auf der Hand, dass dieser Wiederaufbau eine enge Partnerschaft mit der europäischen und weltweiten Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft erfordert. Die Keimzellen solcher Zusammenarbeit können und sollen bereits jetzt entstehen. Auf diesem schwierigen Weg zum Sieg wünschen wir uns allen Ausdauer, Glaube in das Gute und Einigkeit. Ruhm für die Ukraine!

Vorstand der Deutsch-Ukrainischen Akademischen Gesellschaft


Dear members of the German-Ukrainian Academic Society, dear colleagues,

we are approaching the 9th anniversary of the beginning of the  Russo-Ukrainian war and the 1st anniversary of the full-scale Russian aggressive attack on our country. First of all, Ukraine stands. We bow to all those who sacrificed everything for this goal. Glory to the  Armed Forces of Ukraine! Eternal memory to the fallen heroes.  Heartfelt gratitude to all those who participated as volunteers or through scientific and university cooperation, media, and politics. Ukraine has been finally heard, Ukraine has been understood, at least partially, and Ukraine has been helped, albeit not as fast as wished. However, this is not yet a victory. Victory requires further extraordinary efforts. Victory needs our unity, promoting Ukrainian narratives, expanding scientific cooperation with Ukraine, and establishing a master plan for rebuilding Ukrainian science after the war. It is clear that this reconstruction requires close partnership with the European and global scientific community. The seeds of such cooperation can and should be laid already now. On this thorny path to victory, we wish all of us perseverance, faith, and unity. Glory to Ukraine!
The board of the German-Ukrainian Academic Society

DUAG elects its new board

Executive Board of the German-Ukrainian Academic Society was elected on 1 October 2022 in Hannover, Germany (Copyright: Anastasiia Malyshkina, left to right):

  • Prof. Olga Garaschuk (President)
  • Nataliya Butych (Managing Director)
  • Prof. Matthias Epple (Vice-President)
  • Dr. Anna Grebinyk (Treasurer)
Open Letter from scientists of Ukraine and diaspora

One year had passed since the Russian Federation launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The war is becoming long-lasting and even more brutal. Now is the time to reassess the role of Russian science in supporting the war and strengthen the resistance to Kremlin’s regime on the science front: Open Letter (English version) / Open Letter (Ukrainian version)

If you support this Open Letter you can sign here/ The full list of people supporting this Open Letter can be found here.

Awards and Distinctions
Anastasiia ZOLOTAROVA & Danylo RADCHENKO win ERC Starting Grants
The European Research Council has announced the names of the winners of the Starting Grant 2022. Anastasiia Zolotarova is the leader of the TINY (Two Isotopes for Neutrinoless double beta decaY search) project at IRFU (The IRFU, Institute for Research on the fundamental laws of the universe, of the Fundamental Research Division of…
Nanoelectronics for Immunotherapies: Dr Larysa Baraban wins ERC Consolidator Grant
Cancer is undoubtedly a formidable disease. What is known as “immunotherapy” is increasingly becoming the scientific focus in the fight against it. Can a particular patient be treated using this approach? How does the tumor protect itself? Which immunotherapy should be used? With her ERC-supported project Dr Larysa Baraban from the HZDR Institute of…
EAIE Award for Vision and Leadership 2022 distinguishes Ukraine's higher education
The Ukrainian higher education sector as a whole is distinguished as the Winner 2022 of the EAIE Award for Vision and Leadership. The European Association for International Education (EAIE) aims to recognise and applaud the outstanding fortitude and resilience displayed by Ukrainian higher education institutions throughout the Russian government invasion and the…
Cooperation Highlights
Next round for the Wildau-Kharkiv-IT-Bridge
Extension of the project Ukraine digital for the Universities Duisburg-Essen, Kharkiv, Sumy, and Vinnytsia
U!REKA shows solidarity with Ukraine via Odesa partnership
pan for Ukraine is a platform initiative of schools of planning and architecture in Germany to support Ukrainian students and researchers
#TwinForHope campaign: UK-Ukraine university twinning
New Developments in Ukraine
International Centre for Mathematics in Ukraine will be established
A new international centre for mathematics is being founded in Ukraine, with the involvement of some of the world’s top mathematicians and the support of the Ukrainian government. The mission of the Centre will be to support top-level research in mathematics, with special emphasis on training younger generations of mathematicians and…
DUAG supported the development of a novel blood-activating coagulator to save lives
DUAG member Prof. Rostyslav Bilyy at Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University and his research group developed a novel blood-activating coagulator to meet the urgent need of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Video of how it works Promotional Video (in Ukrainian) Web-page (in Ukrainian) DUAG’s support of EUR 5,000.- allowed to…
Event Reports
The Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences (BBAW) is preparing to establish a "Young Network" to support displaced Ukrainian researchers and foster expertise on Eastern Europe
Event Report: Days of Ukraine in Lower Saxony, 30 September-1 October 2022
Quick & Useful



Also check the ScienceForUkraine archive of funding programmes and support initiatives!

Die Deutsch-Ukrainische Akademische Gesellschaft e.V.,,
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