UKRAINE, Kyiv: Science Day – 2016

A Discussion Event “Science. Society. Personality.” will be held at the Science Day 2016, organised by the State Fund for Fundamental Research of Ukraine in Kyiv on May 19th. During this event finalists of the “Call for proposals of science and technology projects by young scientists” (Kонкурс науково-технічних розробок молодих науковців у рамках міжнародного дискусійного заходу “Science. Society. Personality”, присвяченого “Дню Науки – 2016”) will present their projects that should address problems of social importance on regional or national level. The winner of this competition will receive a prize. Young researchers (under 35 y.o.) from Ukraine as well as those working abroad can apply with their project proposal by 20 April 2016.